
The International Association for the Economics of Participation (IAFEP) gathers scholars dedicated to exploring the economics of democratic and participatory organizations, such as labor–managed firms, cooperatives and firms with broad–based employee share–ownership, profit sharing and worker participation schemes, as well as democratic nonprofit, community and social enterprises. The IAFEP Conferences, which take place every two years, provide an international forum for presentations and discussions of current research on the economics of participation.


The main function of the IAFEP is to explore the economics of participation.


Typical topics that members work on include employee ownership, cooperatives, labor-management decision-making, co-determination, profit-sharing, non-profit organizations, and economic democracy.

For years we published the Journal of Economic Analysis and Workers’ Management (contents are listed in our archive) and later the Journal of Enterprise and ParticipationJournal of Participation and Employee Ownership (JPEO), a new journal endorsed by the IAFEP, encourages authors to submit their papers to JPEO.


Reception drink

Reception drinks will take place at the

Gazette Café

on Tuesday
5 July at 6pm.
(6 rue Levat, 34000 Montpellier).




  • Nathalie Magne
  • Delphine Vallade
  • Cyrille Ferraton



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